Empowering Through The Lens of a Camera: Our Ambitious Goals for 2024

In the fast-evolving world of media and photography, empowering young women to break into male-dominated spaces remains at the core of our mission. As we embark on the journey of 2024, we are fueled by a passion to expand our program and reach, particularly in Africa. Our ambitious goals for 2024 are to provide support for more young women across the continent, enabling them to pursue careers in media and photography. In this blog post, we will delve into our five critical objectives for the year, outlining the significance of each as we continue our mission to foster inclusivity and empower the next generation of female journalists, photographers, and storytellers.

Amina guiding students with photo tips in Uganda

Amina guiding students with photo tips in Uganda

#1 Expanding Program Reach in Africa

Our primary focus for 2024 is to broaden the impact of our program in Africa, specifically targeting regions where young women face barriers in entering male-dominated media spaces. Africa is home to an abundance of untapped talent, and our commitment is to unlock the potential of young women pursuing careers in media. By expanding our program, we aspire to provide a platform for them to enter and thrive in these traditionally male-dominated fields.

We aim to extend our reach to regions such as Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, and Nigeria, fostering an inclusive environment that empowers women to pursue their dreams. Expanding our program's reach allows us to provide these aspiring individuals with the necessary skills and resources to navigate and thrive in the competitive media world. This effort is not merely about education but creating a platform for empowerment and breaking gender stereotypes, allowing young women to find meaningful work, escape poverty (SDG #1) and contribute to the industry.

#2 Launching the Train the Trainer Program

To ensure the lasting impact of our efforts, we are determined to find the remainder of our funding and launch the "Train the Trainer" program in Uganda. Having trained 64 young women thus far with a success rate of 74% having found full-time paid work, this initiative is not just a means of self-sustainability but a community-centric approach to skill-building. We create a ripple effect by training local mentors and empowering them to guide the next generation of female media professionals. This approach allows us to shift our focus towards expanding into other regions, ensuring a broader impact across the continent.

Ensuring the sustainability and community-centric nature of our initiative is paramount. Launching our Train the Trainer program is pivotal in achieving this objective. By equipping local trainers with the expertise to mentor and guide aspiring photographers, we are creating a self-sustaining ecosystem. This approach not only enhances the impact of our program but also allows us to concentrate on expanding into key regions such as Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, and Nigeria. Investing in local talent ensures that our efforts have a lasting effect on communities, fostering long-term growth and empowerment.

#3 Expanding Fundraising Efforts

While 2023 exceeded our expectations, we understand the importance of not resting on our laurels. Expanding our fundraising efforts is crucial for sustaining and enhancing our programs. The financial backing we seek will support existing initiatives and enable us to explore innovative approaches, reach new demographics, and invest in the continuous improvement of our curriculum. A diversified funding approach is crucial to accommodating the diverse needs of our growing community of aspiring female media professionals.

A few of the initiatives we have planned are an “online gallery” curated with photos and stories by our students, a book that we will offer for order and if all goes well an “experiential trip,” where our donors can see first-hand the work we do in Uganda and Tanzania.

#4 Growing Collaborations in Africa

Collaboration is at the heart of progress, and in 2024, we aim to strengthen our partnerships to create more opportunities for our students. By forging alliances with industry leaders, media organizations, and educational institutions, we can provide our participants with exposure, internships, and real-world experiences. Furthermore, by fostering collaborations with like-minded organizations, businesses, and institutions, we open up new avenues of opportunity for our students. This interconnected approach will provide them with a broader spectrum of experiences, mentorship, and career pathways, ensuring their holistic development in the dynamic world of media. These collaborations not only enrich the learning journey for our students but also contribute to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive landscape in the media industry.

#5 Raising Sustainability Funding

Lastly, we recognize the importance of long-term sustainability. Our fifth goal is to raise sustainability funding, ensuring that our initiative continues to empower young women for years to come. This forward-thinking approach is essential to lay the foundation for the next generation of female media professionals, creating a legacy of empowerment and equality in the industry. This type of funding is essential for the longevity of our programs and for us as an organization, as our executive director handles all tasks by herself, which is not sustainable in the long run. Having a small staff as a backbone of the organization will allow her to grow and pace herself with the multiple challenges that come from running an international charity. With sustainability funding, we can confidently plan for the future, knowing that our efforts will continue to empower young women in Africa for years to come.

As we embark on the challenges and opportunities that 2024 holds, our goals remain rooted in empowerment, inclusivity, and sustainability. Through expanding our program, launching the Train the Trainer initiative, increasing fundraising efforts and collaborative ventures, and securing sustainability funding, we are poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of young women in Africa. Together, let us champion diversity, break barriers, and empower the next generation of young women to capture the world through their unique lenses.


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