Cameras For Girls and the Philosophy of a Hand Up, Not a Hand Out!

At Cameras For Girls, our mission is not just about providing resources; it's about empowerment, education, and fostering sustainable change using the power of photography as our catalyst. We firmly believe in the philosophy of offering a "hand up" rather than a "hand out" to the young women in Africa we work with. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons behind our approach and its positive impact on the lives of these aspiring individuals.

Amina teaching the 1st cohort in Tanzania

Amina teaching the 1st cohort in Tanzania

Fostering Independence

The essence of a "hand up" lies in fostering independence. Instead of simply offering temporary aid, we strive to equip young women with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to stand on their own feet, especially because the areas they seek to thrive in are mostly male-dominated and, furthermore, they are also living in cultures that don't value women's role in society, outside of the household. Through education and training programs, we empower them to become self-sufficient, capable individuals who can contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Recently, while giving our 1st workshop in Tanzania, one of the young women in this cohort spoke up about how she has had to work three times as hard as her male counterparts to find meaningful opportunities that would ultimately lead her to success in finding work as a journalist. She realized she had to do it on her own merits and abilities and that she would be flailing in the wind if she did not find ways to get support for her goals. Thus, she signed up for Cameras For Girls.

Esther will be travelling to the Netherlands in January to take on a filmmaking internship as she realizes that it's not enough to be a great writer and now photographer but as a triple threat, she will get more opportunities that don't see the value of women working and contributing to this sector.

Sustainability Through Education

Education is a powerful catalyst for change. By investing in the education of young women, we are sowing the seeds of sustainable development. Armed with knowledge and skills, these individuals become agents of positive change in their communities. They break the cycle of poverty and inspire others to follow suit, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the individual.

We also empower them through our educational platform to pass their knowledge to other young girls. Take Patience Natukunda, for instance, who took our training in 2019. She has returned after succeeding in her career by taking our program. She is offering our new girls the opportunity to improve their writing skills with her company, Rosiel, and also mentoring a new girl who wants to follow in her footsteps to become a travel writer.

Building Confidence and Leadership

A "hand-up" approach is more than just providing resources; it's about building confidence and leadership skills. Through mentorship programs and hands-on training, we encourage young women to discover their potential and take on leadership roles within their communities. This not only benefits them individually but also contributes to the overall development of the region.

Let's dive deeper into how we build confidence and leadership through a real-life example from Cameras For Girls' initiatives in a small village in Uganda.

Joyce, who was in our 3rd cohort, stood out as someone with immense potential. Joyce dreamed of becoming a photographer and using visual storytelling to shed light on her community's issues. However, her aspirations were often overlooked due to financial constraints and societal expectations.

Cameras For Girls identified Joyce's passion and potential through a collaboration with a Refugee settlement in Northern Uganda. We took a "hands-up" approach. A mentorship program was designed specifically for Joyce, pairing her with a seasoned photographer who could guide her through the intricacies of the craft, and also support her with the use of a camera because she fell outside of the "core" program beneficiaries, which are young women coming out of university-based journalism and communications degree programs. Thus, Cameras For Girls had insufficient means to supply her with a camera.

Through this mentorship, Joyce learned technical skills and gained confidence in her ability to tell compelling stories through her photographs. The hands-on training provided her with the practical knowledge needed to navigate the world of photography. The mentor, recognizing Amina's leadership potential, encouraged her to use her newfound skills to organize photography workshops for other young women in the village.

In this example, Cameras For Girls invested in Joyce's potential, providing the support needed to foster confidence and leadership. Joyce, in turn, has become a catalyst for change within her community, demonstrating how empowering one individual can have a broader impact on the region's development.

Promoting Dignity and Respect

While charity is crucial in times of crisis, it can sometimes inadvertently perpetuate a sense of dependency. Our philosophy focuses on preserving the dignity and respect of the individuals we work with. By offering opportunities for education and skill development, we emphasize that they are not recipients of charity but active participants in their own growth and development.

A "hands-up" approach is an investment in the future. It creates lasting change by addressing the root causes of inequality and poverty. As these young women thrive and succeed, they become role models and advocates for positive change in their communities. This, in turn, contributes to the long-term development and prosperity of the entire region.

At Cameras For Girls, our commitment goes beyond short-term assistance. We believe in the transformative power of education and empowerment. By providing a "hand up" instead of a "hand out," we are working towards a future where young women in Africa overcome challenges and emerge as leaders, change-makers, and architects of their destinies. Let's empower the next generation and build a brighter, more sustainable future for all.


Empowering Through The Lens of a Camera: Our Ambitious Goals for 2024


Empowering African Girls with Your Camera Donations