My Personal Journey Into Empowerment Through Photography

I vividly remember the day I received my first camera—a Kodak Instamatic gifted to me by my dad when I was just ten years old. It was a simple yet profound moment that opened my world in ways I couldn't have imagined. With that camera in hand, I embarked on a journey of discovery, capturing moments and expressing myself through the lens.

From that humble beginning, my passion for photography only grew. I graduated from the Kodak Instamatic to the Brownie and eventually to my first DSLR film camera—an old Minolta with a broken light meter, again generously passed down from my dad. Each camera brought new possibilities, perspectives, and ways to articulate my thoughts and feelings without uttering words. Photography became my sanctuary, my voice when words failed me. But as I reflect on my journey, I can't help but wonder about the countless young girls and women who may never have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of photography. What about those who grow up in societies where their voices are silenced, their freedoms restricted and their right to self-expression denied? In this blog, we will delve deeper into the transformative impact of Cameras For Girls, exploring how the gift of a camera can empower young girls and women to break free from the constraints of silence and invisibility and step boldly into the light of self-expression and empowerment.

Image of me, Copyright-FunLovePhotography

Image of Amina Mohamed, Copyright-FunLovePhotography

Cameras For Girls Empowering Girls Worldwide

For many girls and women worldwide, owning a camera is a distant dream. In communities with limited resources and rigid gender norms, the idea of pursuing photography as a hobby or career seems out of reach. Cameras For Girls is determined to change this narrative. We started our initiative with the goal of working only in my parents' birth country of Uganda, but recognizing that this was a pervasive issue, we expanded our flagship 4-phase program to Tanzania and have plans to expand across Africa, year after year. By providing cameras to young women in underserved communities through our university partners, we give them a tool to capture their world and open up a world of possibilities, such as building out their career dreams and ultimately taking them out of poverty. Through photography, these girls can document their lives, tell their stories, and share their perspectives with the world. They learn to see the beauty in the ordinary, to find their voice in a world that often seeks to silence them.

However, we have been able to take this one step further through our online training portal, built during COVID when we could not conduct our physical training. This portal is not only a gateway for the girls in our flagship program to keep learning about photography and storytelling through curated video content, but it also opens up a world of possibilities to young girls and women who come from refugee settlements or other organizations around the globe, who through a phone camera, can now find a sense of community, while learning how to express themselves visually as well as orally.

Breaking Barriers and Building Futures

The impact of Cameras For Girls extends far beyond the realm of photography. By empowering girls to express themselves and share their perspectives, Cameras For Girls is breaking down gender barriers and challenging societal norms. It allows girls to dream bigger and envision a future where their voices are heard and contributions valued.

Through photography workshops, mentorship programs, and access to professional photographers, Cameras For Girls equips our students with the skills and confidence to pursue their passion for photography.

These workshops go beyond technical instruction; they are spaces where girls can explore their creativity, build self-esteem, and connect with like-minded peers. They learn not only how to operate a camera but also how to tell compelling stories through their photos. They discover the power of their voice and the impact they can have on their communities.

Join Us in Empowering Girls and Women Through Photography

At Cameras For Girls, every girl and woman deserves the opportunity to discover her voice and unleash her creativity. We invite you to join us in our mission to empower girls through photography. Your support can make a difference in the lives of girls around the world through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word.


Breaking Stereotypes in Media Spaces Across Africa


The Impact of Your Donations To Cameras For Girls